This is the official website of BlastOffProductions. Here you'll find the adventure puzzle game Tilt, and many others. You can also find the latest news and updates for our games, here at our Blog!
BlastOffProductions was created in 2015, but we hadn't finished our first game till 2016. Currently, BlastOffProductions has two finished games, and more pending. We want our players to challenge themselves, and to think of new ways to play our games. And of course, we don't want to take out the purpose of a game. To have fun!
Check out our Blog!
If you want to start playing games, go to Let's Play below. If you want to see our current projects Click Projects, or if you if you want to contact us, go to Contact below.
Founded: 7-17-2015
E-Mail: BlastOffProductions1@gmail.com

What we do!

If we put all of our games together, it would be called taped code. And that is exactly what we are doing. We're combining Tilt, Tap Run, Shift Switch, and others, to make one big game. Taped Code!

Run away from the dots! Don't let em touch you!
Find us or Contact us here.
E-Mail: BlastOffProductions1@gmail.com